Type: Livestream
Client: Salus
Agency: Cineworx
The naturopathy company “Salus” did a complete brand-relaunch – including their logo, packaging, CI and many more aspects of their identity.
To reach all employees on different locations, they asked us to support them with a livestream-event – to make their message be heard!
For better audiovisual reference, we installed a 4 x 2m LED-wall and a powerful PA-speakersystem. This had even two advantages: The speakers on stage could see, when they were not on air. And second of all:
Some of the employees were not able to attend the livestream due to working time reasons. That’s why Salus hostet two official screening dates on site. We provided a HiRes-recording of the livestream for optimized playback on the huge screen.
For a livestream with this importance, you only have one chance to get it right. That’s why we had to take all precaucions in advance to make it for both presenters – the CEO and head of marketing – as easy as possible to deliver their stories.
To get everyone locked in and as routined as possible, we wrote several scripts, operational secuences and stage directions. Furthermore we took the time to reheasese the whole stream. This resulted in a flawless & smooth performance of the presenters on stage.
We did not only accomplish livestreams in the Salus headquarters, but also off-site. For Example at the Goethe-University in Frankfurt.
Salus held a press-conference there to inform about a new product. Some reporters were unable to attend personally, so Salus delivered the infos to them – via livestream. Thanks to our mobile and versatile equipment, we could provide the infrastructure for that project.
In addition to that, we also recorded some expert-interviews with the speakers of the conference for downstream coverage.
If you want to talk about your own projects:
Don’t hesitate to contact us anytime.